Do I need to defrost my fridge before moving?

Do I need to defrost my fridge before moving?

Your checklist of things to do before you move keeps growing, especially as you look around your kitchen and realize you may need to add "defrost the fridge" to it.

But, before you add defrosting to your to-do list, make sure it’s actually necessary.

Maybe you grew up hearing that defrosting a fridge was a natural part of the moving process, but that was then, and this is now… Luckily, most modern refrigerators are frost-free or have a manual defrost setting. That could mean you have one less task to do before your movers arrive, which is good news! Here’s what you should know about moving a fridge as you get ready to pack your kitchen.

How To Know if Defrosting a Fridge Is Necessary

Here’s the deal: if your fridge is only a few years old, you probably don’t have to defrost it. But if your fridge is from last decade, you probably will.

If you’re still unsure if defrosting a fridge is in your future, check out the owner’s manual or the manufacturer’s website.

If the description of the fridge includes terms like "frost-free" or "manual defrost" then you shouldn’t have to defrost it as you get your kitchen ready for your movers. On the other hand, if you notice a collection of snowy, icy material on the sides of your freezer, that’s a big hint that you’ll need to defrost your fridge after all.

How To Defrost Your Fridge

Now that defrosting a fridge has been officially added to your to-do list, it’s time to get busy.

Start by unplugging the fridge the day before you move. Then remove everything from it and place any food you’re keeping in a cooler with ice.

Unless you happen to have a very large cooler, you’re going to have to be pretty selective about what you keep from your fridge, so don’t go on a shopping spree at the grocery store right before you move!

Leave the door open until all the ice from the freezer melts. You’ll know the process is done when you look down and see a puddle of water on the bottom of the freezer, and no more ice stuck to the sides. Have bowls and towels ready so you can catch or soak up the ice as it melts. You don’t want to leave the water there long enough to drip down to the kitchen floor and cause any damage.

Also, avoid the urge to chisel the ice off the sides of the freezer, as that can scrape up the surface. Instead, be patient and just take this time to pack up the rest of your kitchen in preparation for your movers to arrive.

Handling Your Fridge on Moving Day

Whether or not your fridge needs to be defrosted, you should leave towels and bowls out on moving day. That’s because once your movers get to your home, they’ll have to unhook the ice maker on your fridge, and you’ll need to catch the bit of water that will come out of the attached tubing.

Then your movers will shut off the water spigots behind the fridge. But be warned that much like a hose that has just been shut off, water may continue to drip for a few seconds. In some cases, if there’s a leak in the fridge, our movers recommend that you double check that your ice maker spigot isn’t leaking all over the kitchen floor!

Wrapping Up

Before you defrost your fridge, be sure to schedule a moving crew to help. If you’re looking for an experienced San Antonio moving company, contact 3 Men Movers today! And now that your kitchen is all packed, you can read our tips on unpacking it when you check out The Right Way To Unpack Your Kitchen After You Move.