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What To Do If It Rains On Your Move Day

What To Do If It Rains On Your Move Day

What to Do if It Rains on Your Move Day

Any Texan knows that you can’t predict a rainy day. Luckily, we know just what to do to keep you and your valuables safe and dry. Picture this… Your belongings are packed, everything is labeled, and your sparkly new home is waiting for you to inhabit it. Moving day is here! You wake up bright and early and grab your first cup of coffee while you listen to the gentle pitter-patter of rain outside. Wait…. rain?!

As any Texan knows, rain is an unpredictable—but entirely possible—factor when it comes to weather in the Lone Star State. Even our weather forecasters can’t foresee it sometimes! When it comes to important events, rain can easily slow down the action or, in many cases, cancel your plans. So what happens to your scheduled move when it’s raining? At 3 Men Movers, we want to do what is best for you, the safety of our movers, and your valuables. Here’s the skinny on rainy day moves with 3 Men Movers.

Option #1:

Whether rain or shine, our movers will still move your belongings if you and the crew leader decide that it is safe to do so. They will cover your items in shrink wrap to keep them as dry as possible, but remember: shrink wrap is made to protect against dust, not water. We can’t guarantee that it will provide full protection for your items. Additionally, please take into account that when moving in the rain, it will be a slower process than it would be on a perfect sunny day. Wrapping your belongings takes time, as does finding the proper footing in the rain.

Option #2:

If you have the flexibility to reschedule your moving date, it may be the best option. When our movers get there, they will wait 30 minutes to an hour to see if the rain will die down, with no additional charge to you. If the rain doesn’t let up, give the office a call as soon as possible and we’ll get you rescheduled for the next available move. If you decide to reschedule before the men begin working, then you will not be charged anything for the rainy day visit. Utilize the extra time to tie up loose ends, double-check your pack job, or get some extra rest!

The best way to avoid inclement weather during your move is to check the weather report a few days prior to your scheduled move date. If you see a high chance of rain, and you’re not the type to “sing in the rain,” it would probably be best to reschedule your move.

We want to help, so please don’t hesitate to give your 3 Men Movers Move Concierge a call to talk through your rainy day blues with you.

Happy Moving!